Conbar Transport’s Cascadia 126 is achieving brilliant fuel economy hauling up to 68 tonnes

In a story in the November issue of Prime Mover magazine, Conbar Transport explains how its Cascadia 126 is achieving brilliant fuel economy hauling up to 68 tonnes.

“Conbar Transport fuel data showed the Cascadia 126 recently used 20 per cent less fuel than a locally-assembled conventional truck owned by a subcontractor on the same return trip with the same weight on-board.”

That is a huge difference. And Conbar Transport driver, Stephen McCormack, also had this to say about the fuel economy: “Livestock hauling is tough on fuel and each run is different, but the Cascadia is very often doing 1.8km per litre, and sometimes better, which is excellent.”

Read the Story HERE >>>

Courtesy of Prime Mover magazine