Did you know Mavin Truck Centre do truck wheel alignments?

At Mavin Truck Centre we use the TruckCam wheel alignment system which is one of the most advanced systems available on the world market.
The system is designed for measuring all wheel angles, including parallelism between axles, on commercial (heavy duty) vehicles, such as trucks, trailers, buses, vans, mobile cranes and agricultural vehicles.
The TruckCam wheel alignment system uses the centerline principle to determine the position of axles and individual wheels in relation to the vehicle centerline. Then the self centering frame gauges are hanged in the front and rear of the chassis or body.
The system is similar in principle to a conventional laser system in that the centre line is used as a reference but the advantages because of its combination of camera, gyro and inclinometers it provides the highest accuracy and repeatability.
TruckCam wheel alignment system advantages include :-
- No lifting of vehicle
- All values are stored in Data base
- Measure all wheel angles
- Quick and accurate measurement of all deformations
- No lifting or levelling of vehicle
- 15 minutes measuring time, including mounting of equipment
- Operator errors reduced to a minimum
Contact our service depart to get your truck back driving straight and true!